The Masters are not the monopoly of anyone, they come for everyone, not for one group of humanity or another. They give a knowledge which is beyond the senses, which is an ocean of intoxication – a mighty effulgence of bliss.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Way of life

Extract from a talk given by Sant Kirpal Singh during His Third World Tour at Zürich, Switzerland

Man as intended by God is a noble being with noble qualities and aspirations, directed to the attainment of self- and God-realization in his lifetime.Therefore man has to develop all around: physically, intellectually, and spiritually. That does not mean that you should go on with only one aspect of life at the sacrifice of  the others. You should develop all around. Physically, you have to stand on your own legs: you have to earn money by honest means. You just have to lay something by for a "rainy day", and for your children, and also to help others.

The fact remains that we are all of the same essence as that of God, drops of the ocean of all-consciousness. We are all brothers and sisters in God, and God resides in every heart. Everybody is blessed – divine in nature. So you will have to be kind to everybody if you think you love God and that God resides in every heart.

Start from your homes: make your home a sweet home, a happy home. If one of you is not of the same views, well, have culture: don't impose your views on others. If you have got children, then set an example for the children by comport – I mean self-discipline.
Masters don't want you to leave the (work-a-day) world and go into the jungles, but to be living examples set for others. You make your lives, and set an example for the children who are the budding hopes of the coming generation.

So "All-knowledge" means service. "All-knowledge" means fellow feeling. "All-knowledge" means culture. And, ultimately, when you know that "All-knowledge", you become humble. This is the example you have to set for the world: to have veneration for all who are over your head, for all who are around you, and veneration for all who are under you.

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