What help us to know ourselves what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called spirituality.
Sant Kirpal Singh

The universal language

From a ques­tion ­and an­swer pe­ri­od ­held by ­Sant Kir­pal ­Singh at Wind­sor ­Hall in Mon­treal, 24 Oc­to­ber, 1972,  fol­low­ing a ques­tion ­about trans­la­tion.

I am sit­ting in ­front of ­you, ­French ­and oth­ers – ­that ­makes no dif­fer­ence at ­all to me. Wheth­er we ­are Ger­man, ­French, any­body, we ­are in ­the man­body, cit­i­zens of ­the ­earth, ex­iled ­from ­God, ­from ­home. ­And we ­want to go ­back as ­soon as pos­si­ble. So I am ­here; it is ­not ­France, it is on­ly ­that ­you ­speak ­the ­French lan­guage, is it ­not? ­You be­long to ­France ­and ­speak ­the ­French lan­guage ­here. ­That ­should re­mind ­you ­that ­your ­home is in ­France, ­mind ­that. ­You ­are ­friends of ­God, ­you ­see. ­You ­have ­come, ex­iled ­from ­God, ­and ­that ­speech ­you ­should ­speak. ­And ­what is ­that ­speech? ­You ­know? ­Love. ­Love ­one an­other. If ­you ­speak ­that lan­guage, ­use ­that lan­guage, ­you ­will ­all go ­back to ­God, to ­your ­home, ­that is ­the ­home of ­your Fa­ther … I ­have giv­en ­you an ex­am­ple: as ­you ­speak ­French, ­that re­minds ­you of ­France, ­does it ­not? ­Your ­home is in ­France. So we ­are ex­iled ­from ­our ­home ­here on ­earth.

There is a lan­guage spok­en in ­the ­home of ­our Fa­ther; ­that lan­guage is ­love. ­Speak in ­love, ­take every­thing in ­love, ­weed ­out every­thing in ­love. ­That is ­the ­way ­back to ­God, ­and ­you ­will ­soon go ­back to ­your ­home. ­This is ­the ­way ­back ­for eve­ry­body. ­The on­ly ­thing we ­have to re­mem­ber is ­that ­this is ­not ­our ­home, ­that's ­all. Fur­ther: ­that ­this man­body is ­not giv­en to us per­ma­nent­ly, on­ly tem­po­rar­i­ly. ­All ­who ­have tak­en up ­the man­body ­have ­left it, wheth­er pro­fes­sors, ­poor ­men, ­kings, ­even ­Saints – ­all ­have ­left. ­And we ­have to ­leave. ­This is a gold­en op­por­tu­ni­ty ­put to us by ­God to ­find ­our ­way ­back ­home. ­Now we ­are in obliv­i­on. We ­have for­got­ten ­our ­home.

There ­should be some­body ­who ­can ­guide us ­back ­home. ­Pray to ­God: "O ­God, ­send us ­some ­man ­who ­may ­take us ­back ­home." The ­first ­point is to re­al­ize ­that we ­are im­pris­oned in ­the man­body. To ­rise up ­above ­the phys­i­cal ­body is ­the ­first ­step. ­Where ­world phi­los­o­phies ­end, ­there ­true re­li­gion ­starts. ­Pray to ­God: "­Send us such­like ­men ­who ­can ­take us ­out of ­this prison house of ­the ­body ­and ­give us a ­start, ­with fur­ther ­ABC; ­who ­can be a ­guide ­both ­here ­and ­there, ­not leav­ing us un­til we ­reach ­home."

I am ­glad ­you ­have ­love ­for ­your ­France, ­your ­French lan­guage. I be­seech ­you to ­have ­love ­for ­your ­home, ­the lan­guage of ­which is ­love. ­God is ­love. ­Love is in­nate in ­our ­soul, be­cause we ­are of ­the ­same es­sence as ­that of ­God. ­And ­the ­way ­back to ­God is al­so ­through ­love, ­you fol­low me?

So ­speak in ­love, ­think of ­love, ­let ­all ­your af­fairs be sat­u­rat­ed ­with ­love. ­You'll go ­back ­home. ­You'll ­have a hap­py ­life ­here ­and here­after. ­This is ­the mes­sage I ­have to ­give to ­you ­who ­are ­very ­fond of ­the ­French lan­guage, ­and al­so to ­those ­who ­are ­fond of oth­er lan­guag­es. In­stead of ­that, ­use ­the lan­guage of ­your ­home, ­and ­that is ­love.
Lan­guag­es ­were ­made by ­man. ­Speak in ­any lan­guage ­you ­like, ­but ­speak of ­love. Ha­fiz ­says, "It is a mat­ter of ­love. ­Speak in ­any lan­guage ­you ­know, ­but ­speak of ­love." No lan­guage is sa­cred, no lan­guage is ­not sa­cred. ­All ­are sa­cred in ­which ­you ­speak of ­love.




