The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Glossary – Kirpal Singh Teachings

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AGAM, AGAM DESH – Third region of pure spirit, seventh plane.
AGAM PURUSH – The Inconceivable One; Lord of the seventh spiritual region, the last stage before the Absolute; first (partial) expression of the Absolute God.
AGE – Yuga, there are four Yugas or ages in one time-cycle.
AHANKAR – Egoism, i.e., habit and practice of too much talking about oneself in first person singular.
AHARMAN – (also spelled as Ahriman) The evil god perpetually at war with the good God, Ahura-Mazda or Ormuzd, the Supreme Creator as given in the Zendavasta of Zoroastrians.
AHIMSA – Non-violence; non-injury.
AKASHBANI – heavenly Music; Naam; Word.
ALAKH  – The sixth plane, second region of pure spirit.
ALAKH PURUSH – The Indescribable One; Lord of the sixth spiritual region and the second (partial) expression of the Absolute God.
AMAR – Immortal; person who attained eternal life.
AMAR DASS – (1479-1584 A.D.) The third Guru in succession to Guru Nanak.
ANAMI – The Nameless; the Absolute Formless God; the Essence before it comes into expression or existence; the eighth and final spiritual stage. Same as Maha Dayal, Nirala and Soami.
ANANDA – Ecstasy or bliss.
ANIMA – The power to become invisible to external eyes; one of the eight sidhis.
APARA VIDYA – Knowledge of the emperical world with special reference to ethical and moral life which forms the basis for spiritual experience.
ARHAT – In the Hinayana school of Buddhism (the lower vehicle) it denotes a 'worthy one', qualified for entry into Nirvana.
ARTHA – Economic or material well-being; one of the four spheres of human activity.
ARTI – The practice of waving lights before a deity.
ASANA – A generic term denoting any posture in yogic discipline as developed by Patanjali, the reputed founder of yoga or the path of union of the soul with the oversoul.
ASHRAM – Shelter for people who search for Truth.
ASHTANG YOGA – An eight-fold path of yogic discipline as developed by Patanjali, the reputed founder of yoga or the path of union with the Oversoul.
ASTRAL – Astral gains: What one can acquire in the astral plane. Astral maya: Illusions of the astral plane; Astral plane: First plane above the physical plane; Astral powers: Supernatural powers in the astral plane.
AVATAR – Incarnation of the law of justice.
ATAM GUNAS – Attributes of soul.
ATMAN – Spirit, soul; the essence of the individual, of the same nature as the Universal.

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BABA – A pious expression used in addressing aged persons.
BANG-I-ASMANI – Heavenly Sound; Word.
BHAIRON MOHALLA – One of the Ragas (tunes) in which the holy Guru Granth Sahib has been composed.
BAIKUNTH – Paradise.
BHAGAT – Devotee; awakaned soul; 70 Bhagats are mentioned in the book 'Godman' written by Sant Kirpal Singh.
BHAGWAT –  One of the eighteen Hindu Puranas.
BHAI – Brother; term of affection.
BHAJAN – The practice of listening to the holy Sound Current within. Also used for holy songs and hymns.One of the three Sadhans (disciplines) in self-realization and God-realization and stands for attuning one's self with the audible life stream.
BHAKTI – Loving devotion.
BHAKTI YOGA – One of the three important systems of Yoga:
Jnana Yoga (the path of knowledge); Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion) and Karma Yoga (the path of action).
BHANDARA – Festivity in India.
BHAWAN – A meeting place for Satsang.
BHOG CEREMONY – Last prayers after cremation.
BIBLE – The four gospels of the Christians together with the relevant books constitute what is commonly known as the holy Bible.
BODDHISATVAS – Semi-human beings qualified devas or active deities with power to save those who call on them trusting in their power – (Mahayana literature).
BRAHMA – A deity (the creator).
BRAHMACHARYA – Chastity; life of restraint. Also used for the first of the four Hindu ashrams or stages in life, the pre-householder stage of a chaste student.
BRAHMAND – The causal plane or Trikuti; the second inner region, a spiritual-material plane, subject to decay and dissolution. Sometimes used to include the two planes below it (astral and physical) as well, in which case it is used to mean the macrocosm.
BUDDHA – (583-563 B.C.) Lit., the enlightened one. The term refers to prince Siddhartha who attained inner Light after renouncing the world and following the middle path of eightfold righteousness.
BUDHI – Thinking and reasoning faculty – intellect.

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CHAKRAS – Six ganglionic centres in the body on which the yogins concentrate in meditation.
CHARAN-AMRIT – Nectar; washings of the feet of a Saint.
CHID-AKASH – Pure mind-essence; where from mental vibrations arise and assume the form of feelings, thoughts and actions.
CAUSAL – Causal bondage: A attachment in the causal regions; Causal gains: What one can aquire in the causal plane; Causal maya: Illusion in the causal region; Causal plane:  Third plance where one from above can see the cause and effect.
CHIT or CHITA – Lake of the mind wherein are stored all kinds of impressions in the form of memories. It is one of the four facets of manas: Chit, Mana, Budhi and Ahankar.
CHIT-LAKE – Same as Chit.
COPPER AGE – Dvapar Yuga, see Yuga.
CHRIST – The Anointed One; the title of Jesus.

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DARSHAN – To have a view of the Master's form with loving devotion, within or without.
DASAM DWAR or DASWAN DWAR – Third inner plane, next after the causal or Brahmand; consists of pure spirit and subtle forms of matter in varying degrees. Here the pilgrim soul, by dipping in Amritsar (the sacred pool of nectar located here), is washed clean of all impurities.
DAYAL – Merciful or compassionate. It is one of the attributes of God.
DERA – Abode. Used for a colony named after its founder.
DEVAS – Gods, divine beings.
DHAM – Region or home; goal.
DHARAM RAI – King-Judge; The lord of the astral world who judges all by their actions - the law being 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. But those who take refuge at the Feet of a perfect Master easily escape from the pinching effect of this law.
DHARMA – Moral or religious basis upholding and supporting the Universe; life-principle; group karmas of society or nation.
DHARMA-KAYA – Essence of the universe; body pulsating with Life Principle.
DIVALI – Festivity of light in November.
DHUN – The music of the inner Sound Current or Shabd.
DHUNATMAK – That name which is inexpressible by outer means; pertaining to the inner Sound Current.
DHYAN –  From 'Dhi' (Skt.). Concentration, particularly on the holy Shabd; communion with the Word.
DVAPAR YUGA – The copper age; see Yuga.

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FAKIR – Muslim term for a Saint.
FANA-FI-SHEIKH – Self-effacement in the Murshid or Master.
FOUR PILLARS – The four virtues which exists all together in the Golden Age: Truth, penance (long, extreme and continious way to yearn for reunion; state of meditation in Golden and Silver Age).
Compassion (having all virtues of pity, piety, mercy and help).
Charity (to give and forget; teaches further the way of devotion and selfless service to Master).

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GAGGAN – The upper portion that crowns the Trikuti (the second plane on the spiritual path). It is the place where all kinds of latencies are stored up.
GANDHARVAS –  A class of angels.
GARIMA – The power to make the body heavy as one wishes; one of the eight sidhis.
GHAT – A bathing place on the bank of a river.
GHAT RAMAYANA – A spiritual, esoteric version of the Ramayana, by Tulsi Sahib of Hathras.
GIANI – One learned in religious lore.
GITA – Short for Bhagavad Ghita, a Hindu sacred scripture in which Lord Krishna gives instruction on various forms of yoga.
GOBIND SINGH – (1666-1708 A.D.)-The tenth Guru of the Sikhs. Son and successor of Guru Teg Bhahadur.
GODS, GODDESSES – Deities, angels of the lower planes.
GOLDEN AGE – Sat Yuga; longest of the four ages; see Yuga.
GOSPELS – God's message.
GRANTH SAHIB – The holy bible of the Sikhs compiled by Guru Arjan. It contains the songs of all the fore-runners in the realm of spirituality, irrespective of the caste or vocation of their authors.
GUNA – Quality or attribute which constitutes a motor-power for all our deeds and actions according to one's inherent nature.
GUNAS – The three qualities: Sava (purity), Rajas (activity), and Tamas (inertia).
GURBHAKTA – A devotee of the Guru.
GURDWARA – A Sikh shrine or temple.
GURMAT – Belief and confidence towards the competency and the teaching of the Master.
GURMUKH – Mouthpiece of the Guru, of the Godman or God; conscious co-worker of the divine plan; a disciple who has achieved such a degree of surrender that the Guru talks through him.
GURMUKHI – The script in which the Punjabi language is written; devised by Guru Angad.
GURU – Dispeller of darkness; He who can show the way Godwards by instruction, example and imparting of experience; see Sat Guru, see Gurudev
GURU ARJAN – (1563-1606) Fifth Guru of the Sikhs, and the compiler of the holy Guru Granth Sahib.
GURUDEV – Radiant form of the Master that meets a disciple as his spirit ascends above body-consciousness.
GURUSEVA – Selfless service in the Mission of the Master.
GURUSHIP – Masteship.
GYAN – Jnana, Para-Vidya, right understanding.

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HADI – Guide
HAFIZ – (1320-1389 A.D.) A great persian Saint-poet; born at Shiraz. Hafiz is the pen name which means 'one who knows Koran by heart'. His real name was Shams-ud-Din Mohammed which means 'Sun of the religion founded by prophet Mohammed'. Hafiz enjoys great popularity among the Muslims and Hindus alike both as a Saint as well as a poet.
HARMUZD – (also spelled as Ormuzd) The good god or Ahura-Mazda who in the oldest scriptures is the supreme creator being opposed by the evil god, Ahriman as given in Zendavesta, the scriptures of Zoroaster.
HATHA YOGA – A form of yoga dealing with the control of the body and bodily activities as the means of stilling the mind. The process of deintoxication and rejuventation is done by means of six purificatory acts called Shat karma, like Neti and Dhoti etc. It is considered as a methodical approach to the attainment of the highest in yoga - Raja yoga. 'Hatha' literally means will-power or indomitable will to do a thing, howsoever uncommon it may be. Etymologically 'Ha' represents the sun and 'tha' stands for the moon. Hence Hatha yoga aims at coordinating the warm and cold aspects of sun and moon respectively by working through Ida and Pingala.
HAZRAT MIAN MIR –  A Muslim mystic, contemporary with Guru Arjan.
HAZUR – A venerable form of address applied to persons of distinction in any grade of life.
HAZUR BABA SAWAN SINGH JI – (1858-1948) The Master of Sant Kirpal Singh.

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INITIATION – Connection with the Light and Sound principle given by a competent Master.
INNER NECTAR – Amrit; water of life; on the plane of Daswan Dwar the soul is bathing in Amrit and becomes pure.
IRON AGE – Kali Yuga; shortes of the four ages, most materialistic age.

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JAIMAL SINGH – (1839-1303 A.D.) A Soldier-Saint initiated into the sacred teachings of Surat Shabd Yoga by Soami Ji Maharaj of Agra, who deputed Him to carry on His mission in the Punjab so as to repay, in some measure, the debt the world owed to Guru Nanak who came from the Punjab and whose teachings had imbibed and influenced Soami Ji Maharaj. Baba Jaimal Singh in his turn, left his spiritual mantle on Hazur Baba Sawan Singh.
JAP JI –  (1) Concentrated meditation as may infuse a new type of life (Jia or inner awareness) in the heart of the meditator. (2) A prologue to Guru Granth Sahib provided by Nanak, outlining the basic tenets of his teachings, by practising which one gets an insight into the philosophy of spiritual awakening as a prelude to Jia–Dan (infusing life impulse itself).
JNANA YOGA – See Bhakti yoga.
JYOTI – Divine Light.

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KABIR (1440–1518 A.D.) – A great Indian Saint and contemporary of Guru Nanak. The modern age of Sant Mat wherein the Science of Surat Shabd Yoga is openly taught and first–hand experience given may be said to have begun with Kabir Sahib.
KADESH – A city or town on the southern frontier of Judah and Palestine.
KAL – The negative power or that aspect of the one God that flows downward and is responsible for the maintenance of the causal, astral and physical planes.
KALI YUGA – The Iron Age; age of materialism; age of selfless service; shortest age; completes the cycle of ages usally with a dissolution.
KALMA – A koranic term that stands for Word in the bible, Nad in the Hindu scriptures and Naam as termed by the Masters, all of which denote the audible life stream pulsating in the entire creation, visible and invisible.
KARMA – Literally actions and deeds, but the term includes also thoughts and words, all of which leave an indelible impression of the tablet of the mind and give rise to the inexorable law of action and reaction-as you sow, so shall you reap.
KARMIC – Pertaining to karma.
KARNIS – Supernatural powers.
KARUNAMAE – Kabir's name in the Copper Age; also Karna Mali, lit. means pity, compassion.
KHANDS, BRAMANDS – Planes and subplanes; see Brahmand.
KRISHNA –  In Hindu mythology, eighth avatar or incarnation of Vishnu; the author of Bhagvad Gita, a valuable dissertation in defence of a righteous war, considered from different angles.
KRIYA YOGA – A form of Karma Yoga having its own limitations like so many other forms of yoga.
KUNDALINI – A serpentine power that lies coiled up at the far end of the spinal cord and is awakened by the Yogi through various kriyas which when roused up helps to cross the various bodily centres, leading up to Sahsarar or the thousand-petalled lotus behind the eyes which is the goal of all the yogis. It is because of this that sometimes it is designated as Kundalini Yoga.

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MAHA DAYAL – Literally the most compassionate-the term is synonymous with the Nameless One, without attributes. It is the same as Anami, Nirala and Soami.
MAHARAY – The Great One spiritually. Usually added after the names of such a One.
MAHAVIRA – Literally the great warrior who conquered his self by exteme austerities and penances; the founder of Jainism,which like Buddhism was yet another attempt at reforming the Brahmical supremacy based on rites and rituals.
MAHATMA – A great soul.
MANA – Reflector of the mental vibrations as they float to the surface, from the depths of the chit. Thus Mana or mind is said to preside at the council table and presents the picture whenever necessary to the intellect.
MANAV KENDRA – Centre for man-making and man-service founded by Sant Kirpal Singh in Dehra Dun.
MAT – Way, faith, teaching; see Sant Mat.
MAYA – (Skt. illusion or deception). A term frequently met in Upanishads, signifies the inscrutable and indescribable power inhering in the projections of the Ultimate Reality (e.g. human body), in all the forms in the material universe making them appear as real, when in fact they are but shadowy substances.
MIRA – (B.C.1504)-A Hindu poetess of the Vaishnavite school. Wife of the Rajy of Chitore. A devotee of Krishna.
MOHAMMED – (C.570-632)-Arabic, the 'praised one'. The founder of Islam, often called Mohammedanism after him.
MOSES – The great lawgiver of the Jews, who led the children of Israel in their exodus from Egypt and their wandering in the wilderness of Sinai where he received the tablets of stone engraved with the ten commandments.
MUNI, MUNISHWAR – Someone who has renounced the world.
MURSHID-i-KAMIL – Muslim term which stands for perfect Master.

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NAAM – The primal Sound Current, such as Shabd, Word, Nad, Sarosha, Sruti, Logos or the Holy Ghost; the creative aspect of God; God-in-action.
NANAK – (1469-1539 A.D.) - The first Guru of the Sikhs; contemporary with Kabir. See Kabir.
NARAYANA – Lord; the title of Vishnu.
NIRALA – Indescribably wonderful. Same as Anami, Maha Dayal, Soami, the Lord of the entire creation.
NIRANJAN – Negative Power; Lord of the astral plane.
NIRGUN – Without attributes, non attribute.
NIRVANA – Literally blowing out; state to which a Buddhist aspires as the best attainable.

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PARSHAD – Sacred food given by a competent Master.
PARAM PURAKH – Who came first in the world; Kabir.
PARA VIDYA – Knowledge of the beyond or science of the soul which lies beyond the senses, mind and the intellect. Perfect knowledge is independent of the senses and is an action of the soul itself.
PIND – Physical body up to the focal eye–centre, behind and between the eyes.
PIRAY MARG – The path of pravriti as opposed to the path of nivriti: the former being the one of expansion into the world and the other being the inner path, which is strait and narrow, sharp as the razor's edge but leads unto life though few there be that tread it.
PLATO – (428-347 B.C.) A Greek philosopher.
PRALABDH KARMA – Destiny or fate with which one comes into the world and over which one has no control. These have to be undergone with smiles or tears as one may like for there is no escape from them.
PRANAS –  Vital airs pervading in the entire bodily system and controlling the various physiological processes: (1) perceiving, receiving and accepting impressions and things from without; (2) rejecting and throwing away that which the subjective life does not want or does not like to retain; (3) helping the digestive system in building flesh, bones and blood; (4) controlling the circulatory blood system and (5) lifting the mind and intellect to higher and nobler flights in the realm of pure consciousness of the spirit. 'Pranas' are distinct from 'swasas' or 'breathings', the grosser manifestation thereof.

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RASTRYA SANT SMAGAN – National convocation of Saints.
RAI SALIG RAM – A postmaster general in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, in India. A devoted disciple of Soami Ji Maharaj of Agra. He, in moments of ecstasy, used to address Soami Ji Maharaj as 'Radhasoami' meaning thereby the Lord of the soul.
RAJA YOGA – The royal road to integration. The path implies a scientific approach godwards and is best suited to persons gifted with scientific mind and scientific outlook, both within and without. A Raj yogi does not take things for granted or accept them on blind authority, scriptural or otherwise, it being the path of self experiment in the laboratory of the mind.
REHMAN – Literally, merciful and compassionate, an attribute of Allah or God.
RISHI – In Hinduism an inspired poet or sage. The Vedic hymns were originally revealed to 'Seven Rishis' referred to as Prajapatis the children born of the mind of Brahma.
RUHANI SATSANG – The mission of Baba Sawan Singh which was accomplished by Sant Kirpal Singh.
RUMI – (Jalal-ud-Din Rumi) (1207-1273 A.D.)  Greatest of the Sufi poets of Persia; the author of many odes on praise of his Master, Shamas-i-Tabrez. His monumental work, the immensely long 'Spiritual Masnavi' is a collection of ethical precepts, illustrated from Koran, and the sayings of Mohammad.

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SACH KHAND –  The region of Truth; the fifth inner plane and first purely spiritual one. The competent Master operates from this plane.
SADHAN – Spiritual discipline for subduing the mind and the senses as preliminary to self-unfoldment.
SAHAJ PATH – Same as Surat Shabd Yoga.
SANCHIT KARMA – All the unfructified karmas lying to the credit of individuals from time immemorial in the shape of vasnas or latencies which from time to time help in the process of reincarnation.
SANGAT – Refers to the congregation presided over by a Saint or through his representative.
SANT – The highest appellation for a person who has free access to Sach Khand.
SANT MAT – Literally, the path of the Masters. It is elastic in essence free from the rigidity of religious doctrines and dogmas. Attunement of the soul with the life principle within each individual through the agency of a perfect living Master who is the alpha and omega on this path.
SAT YUGA – The Golden Age; Age of  Truth; longest Age.
SARGUN – With attributes.
SAR BACHAN – Literally, the sayings about the eternal truth. Metaphorically it is the name given to the utterences both in prose and verse of Soamiji Maharaj of Agra who expounded Sant Mat in the present era.
SATSANG – Association with Sat or Truth. Satsang is exclusively devoted to the discourses on Sat, which in its broader connotation inclues talks on God, soul, Word, the relation between Soul and God on the one hand, and Soul and the universe on the other, the God-Way or the path of God-realization, and the Godman or spiritual Master, what He is, His need and importance, and His teachings. It also includes discourses on allied topics like ethical life, love, faith, compassion, all all that which makes way for the healthy and progressive development of Divine Life leading to efflorescence o spirit in cosmic awareness.
SAT NAAM – The Power of God creating and sustaining all that is, visible or invisible.
SAT LOK – Sach Khand, see Sach Khand.
SAT PURUSHA – The primal cause and the first manifestation of Godhood.
SATGURU – True Master; one who is competent to initiate the disciples into the mysteries of the Beyond; Master of Truth.
SATSANG – Literally, it connotes contact of the spirit with the Power of God within. A congregation presided over by a Sant Satguru, who is a veritable embodiment of the God Power, is also known as Satsang.
SATSANGI – Literally, a disciple of a perfect Master.
SATSUKRAT – Name of Kabir; Power who came in the last Golden Age.
SATVIC – Pertaining to Satva Guna or attributes like tranquility or equipoise of the mind. The term also applies to diet that is conducive to bring about the above qualities.
SAWAN ASHRAM – Ashram founded by Sant Kirpal Singh for the spiritual welfare of the people and named as such in honour of His Master Baba Sawan Singh in Delhi, 1950..
SAWAN SINGH – (1858-1948 A.D.) Successor of Baba Jaimal Singh, Master of Sant Kirpal Singh. Born in Mahmansinghwala, District Ludhiana; left the body in Beas.
SEHAJ YOGA – Literally, it means an easy path leading to Sehaj or equipoise. Usually used as synonym with Surat Shabd Yoga or Yoga of the Sound Current which can easily be performed by all alike, old or young.
SEVA – Selfless service in the Mission of the Master.
SEVADAR – One who does selfless service.
SHABD – The inner Sound Current that is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the entire universe. This Sound current can be heard when a demonstration is given by a Sant Satguru. The God-into-expression Power, also called Naam, Word. It is termed by Mohammedans as Samma and among the Hindus as Shruti, variously known as Nad, Akash Bani, Bang-i-Ilahi, Sarosha and the like.
SHABD DHUN – The music of the soul, the audible life stream.
SHAITAN (Satan) – The god of evil residing in each individual as mind.
SHAREY MARG – The path of expansion based upon scriptural texts which enjoins performance of rites and rituals, strict adherance to doctrines and dogmas, sacrifices and worships of all kinds on the plane of the senses. Such practices, good in themselves, do not and cannot grant liberation to the soul.
SHIVA – A deity (the destoyer); see Brahmand.
SHIV DAYAL SINGH – The great Saint of Agra who revived the teachings of the Masters like Kabir and Guru Nanak, under the inspiration of the instructions of Tulsi Sahib of Hathras. He is said to be the revealer of modern Santism.
SILVER AGE – One of the four ages; see Yuga.
SIMRAN – Remembrance; repetition of the intrinsic names of God as enjoined by a Master Saint.
SOAMI – Highest Lord; the Absolute God; Anami; also a term for monk.
ST. PAUL – The great apostle to the gentiles. His Jewish name was Saul, but after his conversion he became known as Paul.
SURAT – Attention or individual consciousness.
SURAT SHABD YOGA – Yoga of the Divine Light and Sound principle; 'Surat' means consciousness, attention; 'Shabd' means Sound.

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TETRA YUGA – Other name for the Silver Age, see Yuga.
TRIKUTI – Three worlds
TISRA TIL – Third eye. Also called Nukta-i-Sweda. Christians call it the single eye, the gateway which leads to realms above the purely physical world. It is situated behind and between the two eyes.

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YAMA – Angel of death
YOGA – Contact with God; actually: to bind back the soul to God; (1) The practice aims at stilling the mind as a means to concentrated meditation for securing at–one–ment of the soul with the Universal Soul (Isvara, the Lord). (2) One of darshans or orthodox systems of Hindu philosophy developed by sage Patanjali about 300 A.D. comprising Ashtang or an eight–fold path of reunion with the Divine. (3) Of all the different forms of yoga, the yoga of the Sound Current or attunement with the holy Word, is by far the easiest, the safest and the speediest, yielding results that are verifiable with mathematical precision.
YOGI or YOGIN – One who has mastered the technique and practice of yoga and can impart yogic discipline to others.
YOGIC – Pertaining to yoga.
YUGA – The four ages of time: Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age and Iron Age.

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ZIN – A wilderness traversed by the Israelites on their way to Canaan.
ZOROASTER – (660-583 B.C.)  Greek form of the Persia Zarathustra. Founder of Zoroastrianism, the modern version of which is Pareeism.




