We are all lovers, devotees of a higher power, thousands of lovers, but the Beloved is one for all. He whom we desire is the beloved of the whole world and is the one God for all men, not specifically for Muslims only, or for Hindus only, or for Christians only.
          Sant Kirpal Singh

The universal language

From a ques­tion ­and an­swer pe­ri­od ­held by ­Sant Kir­pal ­Singh at Wind­sor ­Hall in Mon­treal, 24 Oc­to­ber, 1972,  fol­low­ing a ques­tion ­about trans­la­tion.

I am sit­ting in ­front of ­you, ­French ­and oth­ers – ­that ­makes no dif­fer­ence at ­all to me. Wheth­er we ­are Ger­man, ­French, any­body, we ­are in ­the man­body, cit­i­zens of ­the ­earth, ex­iled ­from ­God, ­from ­home. ­And we ­want to go ­back as ­soon as pos­si­ble. So I am ­here; it is ­not ­France, it is on­ly ­that ­you ­speak ­the ­French lan­guage, is it ­not? ­You be­long to ­France ­and ­speak ­the ­French lan­guage ­here. ­That ­should re­mind ­you ­that ­your ­home is in ­France, ­mind ­that. ­You ­are ­friends of ­God, ­you ­see. ­You ­have ­come, ex­iled ­from ­God, ­and ­that ­speech ­you ­should ­speak. ­And ­what is ­that ­speech? ­You ­know? ­Love. ­Love ­one an­other. If ­you ­speak ­that lan­guage, ­use ­that lan­guage, ­you ­will ­all go ­back to ­God, to ­your ­home, ­that is ­the ­home of ­your Fa­ther … I ­have giv­en ­you an ex­am­ple: as ­you ­speak ­French, ­that re­minds ­you of ­France, ­does it ­not? ­Your ­home is in ­France. So we ­are ex­iled ­from ­our ­home ­here on ­earth.

There is a lan­guage spok­en in ­the ­home of ­our Fa­ther; ­that lan­guage is ­love. ­Speak in ­love, ­take every­thing in ­love, ­weed ­out every­thing in ­love. ­That is ­the ­way ­back to ­God, ­and ­you ­will ­soon go ­back to ­your ­home. ­This is ­the ­way ­back ­for eve­ry­body. ­The on­ly ­thing we ­have to re­mem­ber is ­that ­this is ­not ­our ­home, ­that's ­all. Fur­ther: ­that ­this man­body is ­not giv­en to us per­ma­nent­ly, on­ly tem­po­rar­i­ly. ­All ­who ­have tak­en up ­the man­body ­have ­left it, wheth­er pro­fes­sors, ­poor ­men, ­kings, ­even ­Saints – ­all ­have ­left. ­And we ­have to ­leave. ­This is a gold­en op­por­tu­ni­ty ­put to us by ­God to ­find ­our ­way ­back ­home. ­Now we ­are in obliv­i­on. We ­have for­got­ten ­our ­home.

There ­should be some­body ­who ­can ­guide us ­back ­home. ­Pray to ­God: "O ­God, ­send us ­some ­man ­who ­may ­take us ­back ­home." The ­first ­point is to re­al­ize ­that we ­are im­pris­oned in ­the man­body. To ­rise up ­above ­the phys­i­cal ­body is ­the ­first ­step. ­Where ­world phi­los­o­phies ­end, ­there ­true re­li­gion ­starts. ­Pray to ­God: "­Send us such­like ­men ­who ­can ­take us ­out of ­this prison house of ­the ­body ­and ­give us a ­start, ­with fur­ther ­ABC; ­who ­can be a ­guide ­both ­here ­and ­there, ­not leav­ing us un­til we ­reach ­home."

I am ­glad ­you ­have ­love ­for ­your ­France, ­your ­French lan­guage. I be­seech ­you to ­have ­love ­for ­your ­home, ­the lan­guage of ­which is ­love. ­God is ­love. ­Love is in­nate in ­our ­soul, be­cause we ­are of ­the ­same es­sence as ­that of ­God. ­And ­the ­way ­back to ­God is al­so ­through ­love, ­you fol­low me?

So ­speak in ­love, ­think of ­love, ­let ­all ­your af­fairs be sat­u­rat­ed ­with ­love. ­You'll go ­back ­home. ­You'll ­have a hap­py ­life ­here ­and here­after. ­This is ­the mes­sage I ­have to ­give to ­you ­who ­are ­very ­fond of ­the ­French lan­guage, ­and al­so to ­those ­who ­are ­fond of oth­er lan­guag­es. In­stead of ­that, ­use ­the lan­guage of ­your ­home, ­and ­that is ­love.
Lan­guag­es ­were ­made by ­man. ­Speak in ­any lan­guage ­you ­like, ­but ­speak of ­love. Ha­fiz ­says, "It is a mat­ter of ­love. ­Speak in ­any lan­guage ­you ­know, ­but ­speak of ­love." No lan­guage is sa­cred, no lan­guage is ­not sa­cred. ­All ­are sa­cred in ­which ­you ­speak of ­love.

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