The Masters are not the monopoly of anyone, they come for everyone, not for one group of humanity or another. They give a knowledge which is beyond the senses, which is an ocean of intoxication – a mighty effulgence of bliss.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Regularity – Truthfulness – Chastity

Final talk given by Sant Kirpal Singh, New York City, 12 October, 1972
Talk available as mp3 –

I have had those five talks on the dif­ferent aspects of spirituality. The pur­pose is to progress on the way. To pro­gress on the way there are certain things very essential. If they are not there, progress won't be there.

First of all is regularity. As you take your food daily, twice, thrice a day, similarly you are here for the main pur­pose of giving food to the soul; the bread of life, water of life, the capital of which each one of you already got.

So first thing is regularity. Regularity would only give you better fruit, if you maintain the diary for self-introspectionaccurately. Generally we don't care about the maintenance of diary in respect of the self-introspection. The result is: Not good progress on the way. Sometimes we pro­gress, sometimes we recede.

For that you know, the diary prescribes to have no ill will for anybody in thought, word and deed. Thoughts are very potent. You ask: "If somebody says something against us, what should we do?"

Blood cannot be washed away by blood. There is water of life required to wash it away. If anybody thinks ill of you, just for a while consider calmly whether what he thinks—is there any truth in it? Examine your own self. If there is anything, be thankful to him. You see, either the enemy will tell you something which is not right in you, or sometimes close friends as a matter of council and advice. Because they have full love for the good friend. If that is not so then forgive and forget ... Pray for him. That's the only way, otherwise this thought will rankle in your mind throughout. You will have no rest. Whenever you sit that thing will come up.

The second is: Truthfulness. No acting and posing—your mind, your heart, your speech, your brain should be in unison. Only that is true, when these three things agree. We simply say something, (make some) outer show, heart thinks something else, brain thinks something else. These are the things to be watched within you. Nobody can watch you properly as you can do yourself, you know better (what is going on within you). If we do anything, we first deceive our own self; not our own self but God within us. He is there watching our every action. He knows even the very tendency we are going.

Then comes the chastity of life. "Chastity is life, sexuality is death." The more chaste you become the better. That will pay, you see. You will nave blessedness in you.

When there is anything wrong or lies, or we have just acted and posed to show something what we are not, the result is that you put a big wall between you and the God within you. That curtain thick­ens. So always be true to your own self. Don't spare yourself. If we want to progress on the spiritual way this thing is most necessary.

We are all of the same essence as that of God. We are drops of the ocean of all consciousness, we are all brothers and sisters in God; no high, no low. According to the reactions of the past we have our own positions in life, that's another thing. But all the same God has given us equal privileges, as soul, as worshippers of the same Power which controls all creation and controls us in the body. So man is one who lives for others.

Truth is above all and true living is still above truth. (As truth can only be rea­lized by true living).

If there is light in the bulb and bulb is besmeared with black dots, how much light will be there? Light is within you, take heed that the light within you is not darkness. It is you who have to watch. Nobody else can do it for you. Something may come to somebody's notice, as I pointed out to you, either out of enmity to defame you or out of hearty love for you so that the brother may not be mis­lead.

These are the three ... "If money is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost, something is lost and if character is lost, everything is lost."

As I told you, regularity first, but these are helping factors in your spiritual way. These are no new things I am putting before you, each one of you knows better. If you would have to give a talk, I think you would speak ... more measuremen t... and with all the force at your command. But the only thing is: We should be true to our ownself

If a man has a lamp in his hand and falls into a pit everyone knows what to do. So we want progress. That Power is within you, always watching your every action. Be true to Him, that's all ... if you take one step that way, hundred steps He will come up. Otherwise – our failures in life – after all how long you will conceal them? We conceal – but not from the One within you, you see. He puts a thick curtain between you and Him, you see.

So that is why this prayer has come: "We are thankful to you that you have kept this secret from the worldly wise and given to the babes." What does it mean? To the innocent, the innocent life. The in­nocent life has nothing of these failures. So I wish you all progress.

That Godpower, Christpower, Gurupower which is within you sometimes speaks through the human pole to guide you, because you don't listen to the dictate given by Him inside. He gives it once, twice, thrice but you don't listen to His talk. You may call it "Godly voice of consciences."

If you are true to your own self, you are not to be afraid even of God, I would say. You are true to your God within you. God does not reside in heaven. He is permea­ting all creation, controlling all creation and controlling you in the body. He is the nearest to you, nearer than your hands and feet. So keep your diary strictly, don't spare yourself. If anything comes to you, weed out, please.

If you have got pain in your stomach, how far will you be acting and posing? If you have taken poison, how far you keep quiet and act and pose – you cry!

This is the most necessary factor which will go to help your progress on the way. God within you is watching everything. He is watching the very tendency your mind is going. What I have told you in few words maybe each one of you knows better; you know it already. These are no new things I am telling you. But the only thing is: We are not true to our ownselves.

Mouth should speak what is in our heart, brain should think what we have got in our heart. We have progressed in head, I would say, not with heart, that's the whole trouble. Brain thinks, you see, becomes selfish, narrow-minded, wants to control everybody. It even would like to surpass everybody at the sacrifice of all others. This is, you will find, the trouble going on in the world today.

The reason is, they have not their heart with them, you see. If your brain thinks, does your heart agree? I don't think. If you think, "You kill somebody" would your heart say "Yes, do it"? No! The he­art is the seat of the soul or of God within you. Progress by head but let the heart be with you then you'll be saved from many things. All these things coming before you in the world today have come up why? Because we have progressed only in head not in heart. If those two had gone to­gether, do you think this shooting would go on?So morever you are true to your own self ...

Remain where (in which religion) you are, these are schools of thought. The basic teaching for all is the same. God has created you with equal privileges, body, soul and the controlling  power (within you) is the same for all of you. So we have joined different schools of thought just to realize that unity already exists. They are meant ... to give you de­velopment, progress. But if we are stuck fast and do not come up to understand the principle for which God made man and also all these schools came into being, then there is conflict ...

So that Power is within you always watching your every action. If you are true to Him, you are true to God. Be regular, this is the bread and water of life. If your soul becomes strong, your heart is strong, that will be able to carry the broken carriage ...

This is all placed before you to the best as it comes to me now. I have not thought over before talking. So this is what is needed. Be regular in your meditation. This is the bread and water of life. We should develop all around. We have de­veloped physically, intellectually and we should also develop spiritually – thrice blessed is man.

Remain in contact physically too through correspondence ... and keep true diaries. What means true diaries? That truly interprete what you are thinking in your mind, what you are doing in thoughts, words and deeds. Sometimes, you see, diary is almost plain and as result it is given: "I am putting in two hours, such and such but no progress." What should I believe? You can deceive people outside but not the One within you al­ready watching you. If your diary is alright and you put in regular time ac­curately there is no reason why you should not progress. Masterpower works, that is the holy ghost, you see. It works from time to time to guide you back.Listen to Him and remain in contact, that's all I can say. We have been having meditation hours and I hope each one of you must have felt better. If you go on like that with due respect to your self-introspection weeding out all failures under these heads that I have put before you, God will help you more and more from day to day.

As I told you in my talks, every saint has His past and every sinner a future. There is hope for everybody. Don't be disheartened. You have some Power to help you over your head; those who have been initiated specially. You are not all alone. Listen to Him. Word is within you and so long as you have not conscious contact with that Power remain in contact outside.

I think what I am telling you must be appealing to you – each one of you. I am just talking to you on the level of man, as a man to man.

So, simple life and high thinking is what is wanted – and a loving heart. No high, no low. He is most beautiful who has got the light of God effulgent within him. That house seems to be very beautiful in which electric bulbs are giving light. If there is no bulb there – then? Even the most magnificent house looks all dark. So this is what is required. I think, if you take these things to your heart and live up to them, God will help you. My wishes will always be with you; here, there, any­where because the Astral Form of the Master is always with you. And until, as I told you, you contact Him consciously from face to face within, guidance from outside is necessary – this Power is wor­king in the human pole. The minimum time I have given to you is two hours at least. This is binding. If you can do more, that earns His pleasure.

I remember, in 19121 had a Mohamme­dan professor. You see, whenever the same views are there, you have love. He would meet me and I also used to meet him. It was in 1912, fifty years back. He had put "No admission without permis­sion at his house." I was free to go to him.

When I went to him sometimes he was saying prayers in his own Mohammedan way. In prayer, you see, they sit five times, bow down and then rise. That is the general rule. When I went, he used to say prayers for hours – one hour, two hours or three hours; and I was simply watching. I once asked him, "Well, dear friend, prayers have only five sittings and you go on for hours." He said, "Five sittings are binding if you are Mohammedan and this I do to earn His will and pleasure".

So to put in two hours is binding for each one of you and if you do more it will earn His pleasure. This is your work, you have to do it. A thief – this example is bad of course – wants any time, day or night to collect money. If you are really after your spiritual progress snatch away any time you can. "Where there is a will there is a way". The pity is, we have no will. That is why we are not able to do full justice to the work. Manbody is the highest in all creation and this is the gol­den opportunity we have got in which we can do this. Nobody else will do it for you. And it is you who have to go (back ) ... Last time I was telling, people co­me here, give their lectures, and I was tal­king on death alone.

On five talks the main purpose was: This is the golden opportunity, make the best use of it. What is meditation, what is spirituality, what is a Master who can guide you, what does he give you, where is God, how can you find Him? All these things were talked. From com­mencement to the end, we were talking all on death the name of which you do not like to hear. But with all that we have to pass through death. Death is no bug­bear, we have to leave the body.

So my best wishes are with you, that' all I can say. That Power is within you, watching you – your every tendency, every thought and extending all feasible help and protection without asking for it. It is a great blessing to have somebody living on earth like that to guide us. You are all dear to me, why? Because you are put on the path. As such we are all brothers and sisters, real relatives. This is such a rela­tion which cannot be broken even after death. How fortunate you are – if you do care!

This is the sum total of all teachings in few words. If you will live by them, you will progress even more than me. I pray that you should all become ambassadors.

But we should be sincere in words, thoughts and deeds ...

... You follow my point now? Be regu­lar in your meditation. No ill will for any­body. Be truthful. Be chaste in thought and have love for all.

You are not born to live for your own self, you are man. Man is one who lives for others not for his own self only.

Be regular in devoting time to come in contact with all consciousness within you which is controlling all creation and per­meating all creation. Remain in any social body you like. The purpose of all that is to reach God. The purpose of marriage is also to have a companion to help each other to know God. This will give you per­manent joy and peace ...

... Consider these points which I have placed before you five, ten minutes. Take them to your heart and live up to this. Your face will be shining glory and your eyes open and bright.


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