The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh

VIDEO Self-Analysis by Sant Kirpal Singh

We see many people asserting emphatically: "I am not the body. I am not intellect. I am not the vital airs or pranas. I am not the sense organs." That is all right.

But have we ever analyzed ourselves practically by transcending body consciousness and seeing for our own selves that we are something besides the physical body, the intellect, the vital airs and the sensory organs all of which go to make the outer man apart from the inner Self? Have you ever risen above body consciousness, had a first-hand experience of your own Self? You will find very few persons who have really accomplished this.

By "knowing the Self" is meant knowing the inner Self, the spiritual Self, the spiritual entity which leaves the body at the time of death.

You may say that this physical body may be knocked down by death – the great final change. But you do not die. You must one day leave the body and all things connected with the body, whether you wish it or not.

So the greatest wisdom lies in what? In knowing your Self, who you are, what you are.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Extract of the speech "Man! Know thyself" by Sant Kirpal Singh
Subtitles in portuguese.

To watch at higher resolution use the option "HQ" in the youtube-videoplayer




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