We are all lovers, devotees of a higher power, thousands of lovers, but the Beloved is one for all. He whom we desire is the beloved of the whole world and is the one God for all men, not specifically for Muslims only, or for Hindus only, or for Christians only.
          Sant Kirpal Singh

Scences from the life of Sant Kirpal Singh - Gallery

Sant Kirpal Singh’s life of selfless service was a shining inspiration for others to follow.

In keeping with His motto "Be good – do good – be one", he exemplified that being human means not only living for yourself, but serving others. His life not only inspired His disciples, it is also an example for future generations.

In this section you will find a selection of pictures demonstrating the life and work of Sant Kirpal Singh – His early years, the time of discipleship at the feet of His Master Baba Sawan Singh and the main activities during His tenure from 1948 till 1974 including His three world tours.


My first Western tour was for four or five months only, and in this short time there was a grand awakening all over the Western hemisphere. There was a genuine surge of seeking for Truth, and when they got it, there was more respect for what they had been given.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh's first world tour began on 31 May, 1955. He made a short stop-overs in Bombay, Cairo, Geneva, and then spent twenty-four hours in London. He reached New York on June 2, 1955 and was then taken by train to Washington, D.C. where He gave a number of talks before proceeding to other stops: Louisville, Kentucky; Chicago, Illinois; Beaumont, Hollywood, Santa Barbara, San Jose, Oakland and San Francisco in California; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Lawnside, New Jersey; St. Petersburg, Florida; and Boston, Massachusetts. He returned to Washington, D.C. once again before leaving for England where He stayed in Sussex and London. He stopped in Berlin and Bonn in Germany on His way back to India.

On His first world tour Sant Kirpal Singh gave daily meditation sittings, heart-to-heart talks, public discourses and private interviews to visitors. He spoke at churches, temples and lecture halls, and also appeared on television.


All the religions agree that Life, Light and Love are the three phases of the Supreme Source of all that exists. These essential attributes of the Divinity that is One, though designated differently by the prophets and peoples of the world, are also wrought in the very pattern of every sentient being. It is in this vast ocean of Love, Light and Life that we live, have our very being and move about and yet, strange as it may seem, like the proverbial fish in water, we do not know this truth and much less practise it in our daily life and hence the endless fear, helplessness and misery that we see around us in the world, inspite of all our laudable efforts and sincere strivings to get rid of them. Love is the only touch-stone wherewith we can measure the understanding of the twin principles of Life and Light in us and how far we have travelled on the path of self-knowledge and God-knowledge.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh ­was e­lect­ed Pres­i­dent of ­the ­World Fel­low­ship of Re­li­gions when it was brought into being in 1957. The first Conference took place in the same year in Delhi. Four World Conferences were held in India, followed by several regional conferences in Persia, France and Germany.



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