What can other people know of the condition of one’s heart? If the enigma of the mystery of life enters the heart, the person knows no peace until it has been solved.

Sant Kirpal Singh

The objective and subjective aspects of Naam

From the book "Jap Ji – The message of Guru Nanak", written by Sant Kirpal Singh

This Principle has two aspects, the one objective and the other subjective. The objective refers to the various qualities pertaining to His manifestations. It has its own use which will be dealt with later under the heading of Simran. The subjective is the "quintessential reality" which is at the core of all religious books. Without it there can be no creation, no spiritual advancement. Without it, nothing whatsoever can come into existence. This can be understood by a simple example, say that of water. The word "water" is the name, and not the thing itself which it represents. Just the same, Naam or Word, has its two aspects: one the name and the second the "conscious spirit" it represents – working at the back of all creation. It is very difficult to describe this in words.

The Naam, or the subjective Reality or Word, had been there from the very beginning, and was there before the creation. It was a "Nameless-Something" which was God, from whose conscious manifestation a wish projected, accompanied by vibration which expressed itself in Sound and Light Principles. As the conscious current flowed down, it formed spiritual planes. With its further descent, it became the source of creation of the spiritual-material and the material planes. This Current-Consciousness emanated from God and is the Creator and Sustainer of all the universe with various planes and sub-planes. The term Shabd or Word as used by Nanak, signifies that Spiritual Current which expresses itself in Light Principle and resounds in fullness in its subtle spiritual planes. This Naam or Word helps in the elevation and edification of spirit, which being essentially of the same substance as Naam, is attracted by the latter, for "Spirit is the Breath of God" (Bible). "It is the soul of God" (Quran). All the Saints of the world who came either before or after Guru Nanak, have sung the praises of this creative Life Principle or Word. A few quotations will enable the reader to be convinced of this basic Truth as given in all the religious books.


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