What can other people know of the condition of one’s heart? If the enigma of the mystery of life enters the heart, the person knows no peace until it has been solved.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh – Right understanding

All Masters advise that to solve the mystery of life one should first develop the right understanding: to understand in reality that we are soul in the body, embodied soul, no matter whether we are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or any other religion. Recognize all men's caste as one. There is no difference between him who lives in the city and him who lives in the jungle; for all men are truly em­bodied souls, and all are sustained by the same Power: that which controls the soul in the body. Just consider that there are nine physical orifices, yet the soul cannot run through all of them. Only when the Sustainer or Controller withdraws does the soul also leave the body. The breath leaves the body; it could remain outside, but there is something controlling that, something drawing it back. This is the mystery of life, solving which you will gain right understanding. Without the right understanding, nothing worthwhile is achieved, but with right understand­ing you will have right thoughts, and right thoughts will give you right speech and right actions; from then on love for all mankind develops automatically. There will be no question of fighting with others over petty differences; you will express what you have seen, and not what was being inferred. – Sant Kirpal Singh

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Read more:
Extract of the talk "Right understanding", held in India by Sant Kirpal Singh, printed in Sat Sandesh, June 1972


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