God cannot be known by the outgoing faculties, by the intellect or the vital airs called the pranas.
He can be known only by the soul: like alone can know the like. When is the soul liberated? When it is analysed from mind and the outgoing faculties.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh - Precious moments

The way which is the way of the Saints, that is very simple, full of intoxication, gives us eternal life and equipoise stage and provides us the discriminating power. With this discriminating power your are above the illusions, you have no fear, no fear of death. Our condition can be like a Saint who has already done, who has already gone through all these stages and He has a perfect life.

Dr Harbhajan Singh

Precious moments with Sant Kirpal Singh at Sawan Ashram and Manav Kendra, India.

To watch at higher resolution use the option "HQ" in the youtube-videoplayer.



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