God cannot be known by the outgoing faculties, by the intellect or the vital airs called the pranas.
He can be known only by the soul: like alone can know the like. When is the soul liberated? When it is analysed from mind and the outgoing faculties.

Sant Kirpal Singh

VIDEO - Birth Anniversary of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh

The great day that Hazur Maharaj appeared in the world in the physical form was Tuesday 27th July, 1858. Such personalities appear on the scene to guide the child humanity back to the true home of their Father. They are children of light. When they come, they give light to all, irrespective of the creeds and colours to which they belong. He was word-personified and dwelt amongst us. He was love-personified. He was an incarnation of peace and joy. Blessed were they who sat at His holy feet or whom He took under His care, and who sought Him and Him alone. - Sant Kirpal Singh

Excerpt from Sant Kirpal Singh's heart-to-heart talk "The pain of seperation"  talk about a poem written by Sant Kirpal Singh to His Master Baba Sawan Singh
Washington D.C. - 20 January, 1964

To watch at higher resolution, use the option "HQ" in the youtube-videoplayer


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