God cannot be known by the outgoing faculties, by the intellect or the vital airs called the pranas.
He can be known only by the soul: like alone can know the like. When is the soul liberated? When it is analysed from mind and the outgoing faculties.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Christmas Message 1955

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, December 2, 1955

Dear Children of Light,

I am sending you this Christmas greeting from India. I might be physically not with you this day, but my heart is with you all and in spirit I am with each one of you,

I had to leave you all and return to India, though in actual sense the whole world is my 'Home' and all 'Life' my family, but because of my being nationalised in India I had to return 'Home' and could not overstay in any foreign country.

All the laws of this world remind me of the Divine Plan by which every one of us has to return to our True Home after the time allotted to us is over, then it is a sin to overstay here. After taking birth as a human being and God being gracious enough to send His Representative to you, that you are at last blessed and are being recalled by our Father, so we should make the best use of this valuable opportunity afforded to us.

Blessed are they who find refuge at the feet of a Living Master. Once His, He never leaves or forsakes us till He fulfills His promised duty of escorting, whoever comes to Him, to the True Home of the Father. Christmas is celebrated for Christ was born this day but the real Christmas will be celebrated when we really make up our minds to fulfill the aim of Christ's birth, viz., to enter the Kingdom of God within us, and bring the same on earth.

Do you not consider this year the most fortunate one, in which you came in close physical touch with the human Pole through which the Master-Power works?

Many new seekers who came near were blessed with the first-hand experience of the Divine and had a peep into the kingdom of God within.

It is by the grace of my Master that I was chosen so, to help you all on the way back home and only through His grace am I able to give each one an experience and put you on the Path made easy for this age.

I quite appreciate the loving devotion of you all and the financial sacrifice each one made so that full benefit could be utilised of my visit to your country.

But this is not enough. As everything has a value, so has God. To purchase His love, we will have to give all love and devotion to Him.

Love is the electrical lift which enables us to scale the spiritual heights within by contact with the Divine Word so graciously given to us all free.

If we could only still our intellect and remain embedded with love and trust in Him, then we can reach our True Home, without and exertion on our part.

God is love and the Master (God-Man) is Love Personified, when one soul comes in contact with His overflowing love, we are saturated with His love through and through, which washes away all dirt of sins of the past and merges us to oneness with the Father.

Peep and continue peeping within self with overflowing love to see and contact the Master-Power residing in you, Who will then manifest to you and guide you step by step into the path of the Truth which your love will open for you.

I am in India but my heart is with you all and I send you my heart-felt love to each one of you on this auspicious occasion of Christmas.

I wish you happy New Year and may you be blessed with renewed strength to hie you on your way back to your True Home with all safety under the protection of' the Master-Power which is forever over your heads.



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