The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh


"On this Christmas day, I send you my hearty wishes for your progress on your way back to the sweet Home of our Father. In the way that I have told you, if you are doing, that would be the true celebration of the Christmas Day. Understand who are they, who they (Masters) were, what teaching they gave: How to learn to die, how to be reborn, how to open the Inner Eye and see the Light of God." – Sant Kirpal Singh
Our thanks to Ruhani Satsang USA for the video footage

To watch at higher resolution, use the option "HQ" in the youtube-videoplayer

The transcript of this video can be read at the following link, "The best way to celebrate Christmas"





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