Spiritual knowledge is a regular science. Just as two and two make four, similarly everything is clean and obvious here also and there is no scope for any kind of modification or change in that.

Sant Kirpal Singh


More information about:

Kirpal Series01 17 Kirpal Portrait

Sant Kirpal Singh – Mission
This site is a resource for all seekers of the Truth and lovers of God. It serves with important facts about the Mission and Competency of Sant Kirpal Singh.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh – Biography
Esteemed worldwide as a Saint of the 20th century, embodiment of kindness and mercy, He gave out the living knowledge of the true nature of man whose aim is to return to his origin – God.


Sant Kirpal SinghAudio Sant Kirpal Singh
This website hosts audio files of satsangs and public lectures held in English, Hindi, and Punjabi – all are sorted by date and free for download.


links 09Kirpal Sagar  
Kirpal Sagar is a place for man-making and man-service and fulfils all conditions in developing man into a real man. Sant Kirpal Singh's motto, Be Good – Do Good – Be One, is practised here.


links 01Unity of Man
The movement Unity of Man is registered as a spiritual, cultural and charitable non-profit-organization. Unity of Man was initiated by Sant Kirpal Singh in 1974 and continued afterwards by Dr. Harbhajan Singh and his wife, Mrs. Biji Surinder Kaur. The movement is headquartered at Kirpal Sagar near Rahon, India and maintains a Centre for the West at St. Gilgen, Austria.