What can other people know of the condition of one’s heart? If the enigma of the mystery of life enters the heart, the person knows no peace until it has been solved.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Be good, do good, and be one

Birthday message written by Sant Kirpal Singh, 1972

Dear Ones,Sant Kirpal Singh
I am sending you the following message in brief on my physical birthday, which will bring peace to all the world over.

Be good, do good, and be one.

(i) Be good and do good
means, to be able to do good, you must be good in the first instance.
Being good means good in thought, word, and deed. God is all goodness and innate in all. Be friendly with everyone, be kind and compassionate. See goodness in all around you, including even those who hate you. God is all love, love all, serve all and do good to all.

(ii) Be one: God made man. All mankind is one. Man is an ensouled body – bearing labels of different social bodies.

As men, we are all one, born the same way with equal privileges from God. As soul, we all are of the same essence as that of God, a drop of the ocean of all consciousness, and controlled by the same Power, which we all worship – calling by different names.

Unity already exists, we have forgotten. Be one.
With all love and best wishes, Kirpal Singh

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