Spiritual knowledge is a regular science. Just as two and two make four, similarly everything is clean and obvious here also and there is no scope for any kind of modification or change in that.

Sant Kirpal Singh

The greatness of Naam and its need

From the book "Naam or Word", written by Sant Kirpal Singh


The access to spiritual regions cannot be gained except with the wings of Naam. A Persian poet says,

It behooves thee to fly to the higher realms and
that thou canst do with the wings of Naam.

If thou wishest union with Truth, thou must get united with Naam (i.e., Word or the manifest form of Truth unmanifested) for therein lies the only possible union with Truth. The constant meditation of Name means constant companionship with the Named.

A touch with the Divine current purifies a person of all iniquities. All doubts and distractions disappear and the mind becomes steady and firm, with the result that God's light is reflected therein.

If thou wert to cleanse the mirror of thy mind
with the sweet remembrance of His Name,
His glory shall surely shine within thee.

Kabir Sahib has beautifully described the value of Naam:
Naam may appear but a monosyllable compared with the countless sins that abound;
But a little dose of the Naam when taken, reduces the entire garbage to a heap of ashes;
And the practice of the Naam rubs clean all the men­tal impurities;
For the Naam acts as a spark of fire in a powder magazine;
By communion with the Naam, one transcends the limitations of the flesh,
And reaches far beyond the realm of the pairs of opposites.
All the supernal powers serve but Naam;
Blessed with Naam, one becomes the abode of all powers.

A contact with Naam assures salvation to all, whether good or bad, learned or unlettered. As sun and fire give warmth and light to all, snow and ice give exhilarating freshness, so Naam cannot fail to produce its effect, no matter how the contact may come about, with or without faults. Khwaja Nizam-ud-Din Chishti says,

The glory of God's Naam has attuned my body and soul,
The parched and thirsty get honeyed nectar from it.


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