Welche Dinge uns helfen, uns selbst zu erkennen und was dabei nicht hilfreich ist, wie wir uns von den nach außen gerichteten Sinnen und dem Intellekt lösen können - das ist ein Thema, in dem es um die Praxis geht. Das versteht man wirklich unter Spiritualität.
Sant Kirpal Singh

How the mission started

The mission of my life is to help others to rise above body-consciousness and have a glimpse of the Lord, with the grace of my master.

Sant Kirpal Singh

After the physical departure of his Master Baba Sawan Singh, Sant Kirpal Singh went to Rishikesh and there He lived for five months. After this time, He came to Delhi. There He started to give discourses at different places. Soon He became considered as a Saint who lived up to what He taught; the attendance to His talks was growing and the ‘Sawan Ashram’ was built in Delhi.




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