What help us to know ourselves what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called spirituality.
Sant Kirpal Singh

Christmas Message 1957

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, 1957

Dear Ones,

Another year of our precious life has gone, bringing us closer to the great final change, called death. Those who have learnt to rise above body-consciousness at will, have won victory over death. Last enemy that we have to conquer is death. Blessed are they who have attained this competency at the feet of the Masterfor they lose all fear of deathfor them life and death make no differencefor they die daily and traverse into the higher planes.

Physical Science has produced weapons to move in the space around the world as also aiming to reach moon. These inventions seemed miraculous in the past. But it has now become a solid fact. Similarly all Master who came in the past, knew as to how to rise above body-consciousness and traversed into the higher planes. 'Except ye be born anew, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God'. 'Learn to die so that you may begin to live'. With the lapse of time, men forgot the Science. This seemed to them an impossibility. But thanks be to the Master, this Science has been revived by His grace and fortunate you are who have been put on the way by rising above the body-consciousness.

By the grace of my Master, I have lost all fascination of the world and am even now ready to go back to my Father's Home. Of course, I will work as long as He may wish. Blessed is my human birth that gave me this privilege by the grace of my Master, and on this Christmas day I send out my best wishes to each one of you to take the Cross and learn to die so that you may have an everlasting life, and wish you best of luck on the Happy New Year's day.

I will be glad to see you all love God and love all humanity and work in loving cooperation with each other.






