We are all lovers, devotees of a higher power, thousands of lovers, but the Beloved is one for all. He whom we desire is the beloved of the whole world and is the one God for all men, not specifically for Muslims only, or for Hindus only, or for Christians only.
          Sant Kirpal Singh

哈祖爾巴巴薩望辛 - 認識上帝的人,要坐在祂的足下

「我們在此向哈祖爾致敬,並求得了悟真理。哈祖爾是真理的化身,祂的到來使人類與真理結合;為了完成此一使命,祂賜給我們一些內在聯結作為本錢 - 祂讓我們從過去印象的影響中解脫出來,把我們的注意力帶到身體意識之上,使我們能看見真理。祂是一位真正具有權能的明師,祂永遠與我們同在,並賜予我們豐盛的恩典。」

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