What help us to know ourselves what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called spirituality.
Sant Kirpal Singh

Scences from the life of Sant Kirpal Singh - Gallery

Sant Kirpal Singh’s life of selfless service was a shining inspiration for others to follow.

In keeping with His motto "Be good – do good – be one", he exemplified that being human means not only living for yourself, but serving others. His life not only inspired His disciples, it is also an example for future generations.

In this section you will find a selection of pictures demonstrating the life and work of Sant Kirpal Singh – His early years, the time of discipleship at the feet of His Master Baba Sawan Singh and the main activities during His tenure from 1948 till 1974 including His three world tours.


Those who do wish to awaken are told by the Masters, "Develop love for God; be conscious." We say we can see only the world; living in its society, enjoying every minute – we are too involved and become identified with it. How can we love God unless we see Him? For that we are advised to "Take the Satguru's teaching."

Sant Kirpal Singh

On 2 January, Sant Kirpal Singh returned to Delhi after completing His third world tour.
He was presented on 7 February, with the Abhinandan Patra at Vigyan Bhavan honouring Him on behalf of religious, social and political leaders of India.
The National Integration Day was celebrated at Manav Kendra on 2 April, and the hospital, home for the aged, school and farm were completed.
In the month of October, Sant Kirpal Singh's last Punjab tour started where He laid the foundation stone of the eye clinic in Nag Kalan. During the Punjab Tour, on 24 October, Sant Kirpal Singh commissioned the future Manav Kendra (Kirpal Sagar) at Nawanshar.


The Master remained with the disciple wherever he may be. Death and distance are immaterial in the relationship of the Master and the disciple. He is always by his side, here and hereafter..

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh was busy until His last breath in attending to His disciples and in working for unity, in spite of His health condition. Before His physical departure on 21 August 1974, 

12 April, Kumbha Mela, Hardwar; formed the National Unity Conference; Presided over a meeting in which leaders of half a million sadhus sat together for the first time.

26 - 27 July, Rashtriya Sant Samagam (National Convocation of Saints) organized by Sant Kirpal Singh in Delhi.

1 August, addressed members of the Indian Parliament as first spiritual leader to be honoured with this invitation.

15 August, Sant Kirpal Singhs held His last public talk in Hindi (on Indian Independence Day).

17 August, gave His last English talk at Sawan Ashram.

20 August, admission in Willington Hospital, Delhi.

21 August, Sant Kirpal Singh left His physical body.

Sant Kirpal Singh finished all affairs which were still pending. Where He had given a promise, He wrote letters to cancel. He also told that he would not be able to make a fourth World Tour. One task he left to be completed– the future Manav Kendra he had commissioned to be built at the place of his farm. Since that time the project Kirpal Sagar has been developed there.