The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Satsang, by Sant Kirpal Singh

Satsang is a school where "how to meet God"is taught

The first Satsang you get inside – first class. Another Satsang is coming in contact with suchlike people who have got first-hand contact with God.
What do you want? That's the point.
Do you want God? Or do you want worldly things? This is to be decided.

If you have got true desire, yearning, to know God, then God will make arrangement to bring you in contact somewhere where He is manifest, where He is the mouthpiece of God, and He will enable you to contact God who is within your own self already.

So your purpose of coming to Satsang is to imbibe the love of God, to sit in His sweet remembrance, to unite with Him. All things, past and future, all irrelevant matters can be dealt within your own place of residence.
Come, but come with the very best of intentions. Bring the
remembrance of the Lord with you, and take it with you when you leave.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Extract of the speech "Man! Know thyself" by Sant Kirpal Singh
Subtitles in English and Portuguese.

To watch at higher resolution use the option "HQ" in the youtube-videoplayer




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