What help us to know ourselves what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called spirituality.
Sant Kirpal Singh

Christmas and New Year Message 1971

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, December, 1971

Dear Ones,

This blessed day of December 25, 1971, is celebrated in the sweet remembrance of Christ, when He manifested at the human pole of Jesus for the guidance of the child humanity. He was the Light of the world as long as he was in the world (John 9: 5). He gave Light of Life to whomsoever came in contact with Him.

Each of the prophets and messiahs is sent into the world who carries on His work of uniting souls to God. The law of supply and demand is always working in nature. There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty; where there is fire, oxygen of its own comes to its aid. When He fulfills His mission, He is recalled, gathered up and passes away the scene of His activity on earth plane.

Those in search of God, are ultimately led by the God-Power to the feet of the Master-Saint – the 'Word made flesh' – for the journey back to God. "No man can come to me except his Father which has sent me draws him; and I will raise him on the last day." (John 5:41) "Last day" means the last day of the earthly life, when the sensory currents are withdrawn from the body.

You are taught to rise above body-consciousness by daily spiritual practices and meet the Master within. It is only when the outward man perishes, that the inward man (spirit) is renewed.

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." (Luke 9:24 & 17:37)

It is a pity that we have made wonderful progress in all walks of life but woefully lack self-knowledge and God-knowledge."What does it profit a man if he gains the possession of the whole world and losses his own soul ?"

We are fortunate to have the man body, which is the highest in all creation, in which we can know ourselves and develop God-consciousness. The word 'religion' is derived from a Latin word 'Ligare' and with its derivative ligamant, which means to bind. 'Re' denotes 'again', so it denotes to bind back the soul to God, which is a common heritage of mankind.

Time and tide wait for no man. We should do our utmost to achieve the object before us. And my best wishes are with each one of you.

Yours affectionately, Kirpal Singh



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