What can other people know of the condition of one’s heart? If the enigma of the mystery of life enters the heart, the person knows no peace until it has been solved.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Various Names of God

From the book "Naam or Word", written by Sant Kirpal Singh

The sages and the Saints have described God in innu­merable terms, as for instance Swami or Soami, meaning Lord God; Nirala (peerless or without a compeer); Anami (the nameless); Har Rai, Agam or Alakh (the incompre­hensible or the ineffable); Ram Rai or Sat Purush (the eternal Truth or unchangeable permanence); Ek Ankar (the one life breath or live principle); Puran Chetan Purush (complete consciousness); Akal (timeless or the deathless one).

All these are just attributive or qualitative names – names signifying one or another of God's attributes. Such names simply describe any one aspect or facet of God as appealed foremost to someone's individual liking. Thou­sands of such names appear in holy scriptures: Ram (all-pervading), Rahim (gracious or merciful), Girdhari (en­compassing) , Murari, Allah, Khuda, Wah-i-Guru, and the like. The Jews call Him Yahweh or Jehovah. All these names are worthy of our adoration for each one of them tries to single out some aspect of the Beloved.

I revere each one of Thy names, O God!

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