The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Lectures – Satsangs

On weekends lectures on different aspects of spirituality, ethical way of life and outer and inner development are given, based on the teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh.
The attendance of the lectures called 'Satsang' is free and interested persons are most welcome.

AUSTRIA – Sankt Gilgen: every Sunday at 10:00 AM
Ph: +43-6227-7577
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CROATIA – Rovinj: every first Sunday of a month at 10:00 AM
Phone:  +385 977 295 526
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FRANCE – Schoenenbourg: every first Sunday of a month at 10:30 AM
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GERMANY – Pforzheim: every Sunday at 10:30 AM
Phone:  +49-7231 467 982
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INDIA – Kirpal Sagar: every Sunday at 10:00 AM
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NORTH-AMERICA – Toronto: every Sunday at 10:00 AM
Phone:   +1 647-784-1653
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Please send us a short inquiry with the place where you live
and we will inform you about the nearest Satsang.
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