The Masters are not the monopoly of anyone, they come for everyone, not for one group of humanity or another. They give a knowledge which is beyond the senses, which is an ocean of intoxication – a mighty effulgence of bliss.

Sant Kirpal Singh

VIDEO - BRAHMCHARYA, a life of continence

Who is affected by passions cannot obtain liberation. All Masters, whether they came in one religion or the other, have been very particular about this point. What are we doing? These things are given great stress, but we people don't care. That's the pity. Buddha says, "I proclaim the annihilation of lust. I teach the doing away with lust. Nirvana means the subsiding of all human passions. When inner fires of lust are extinguished, then one enters into the Nirvana. This is the lesson of lessons." … This is the most important thing and the most ignored.

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