We are all lovers, devotees of a higher power, thousands of lovers, but the Beloved is one for all. He whom we desire is the beloved of the whole world and is the one God for all men, not specifically for Muslims only, or for Hindus only, or for Christians only.
          Sant Kirpal Singh

Why we are not happy?

The source of permanent happiness is within us

No son of man is really happy. Each one suffers from unhappiness of one type or another – for physical, mental, or intellectual reasons. Everyone has one woe or another. The whole world seeks permanent happiness.  How is true happiness found? True happiness is regained by the conscious soul rejoining back to the Over-soul, for it is the image of the Lord – it is a drop of that ocean of all-consciousness which sustains and maintains the whole of creation and which exists in all beings; no place is without Him.– Sant Kirpal Singh

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