The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh

All men have equal privileges from God

By Sant Kirpal Singh, from the book "Spirituality – what it is", chapter 2

All persons irrespective of sex, colour, caste or creed; all men rich or poor, high or low, come into the world the same way. Born, as he is, from the mother's womb by the union of sperm and ovum, each one sees the light of the day after a period of gestation.

Kabir Sahib, a great Indian saint, while addressing a high caste priest, told him, "O Brahman, should you claim high birth and on that account special privileges, you ought to have been born in a way different from that of the rest."

Again, there is a marked likeness in the physical attributes of all men whether in the East or the West. Each one is gifted with an equal number of organs and senses. All are moved and actuated by similar impulses and instincts. The weather conditions affect them all alike. All enjoy freely the gifts of dame nature and participate in her boundless bounties-light, air, water and food, etc.

In every way, similarity runs through the entire creation. All persons, irrespective of their nationalities or colours, are gifted with bodies composed of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether, and live alike on this earth under the canopy of the blue sky. Disease, decay and death come to all in just the same way. No one escapes the ravages of time. So also do the remedies work in each case. God has made no distinction between man and man. Man alone is responsible for all kinds of distinctions and differences of caste, colour and creed, splitting humanity into narrow grooves of classes, groups, sects and nationalities.



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