The Masters are not the monopoly of anyone, they come for everyone, not for one group of humanity or another. They give a knowledge which is beyond the senses, which is an ocean of intoxication – a mighty effulgence of bliss.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Divine will - How is it revealed?

From the book "Jap Ji – The message of Guru Nanak", written by Sant Kirpal Singh

"To make His Will one's own," is the means to achieve Him. Will, itself, baffles all description. Still, to give us an idea of it, Nanak explains it to some extent in Stanza 2. It may be defined as something making and unmaking the universe, with a conscious entity at its back. The Absolute is Wordless, Imageless and Nameless. When It came into being, It was called Word or Naam which is the cause of all creation. The Word might be taken as the All-Pervading Spirit, working out the world's great phenomena. The Will is identical with this All-Pervading Spirit, but we must not imagine it as blind – for it is intelligent, sentient and purposive. This Ever-Active Will, enshrouded by the illusive matter, can only be revealed by attuning one's will to it. All other means fail. Man's ways are all in vain. The Master says:

He who gives himself up to His supreme Will, wins the goal;
No other actions count in achieving this end.
– Ramkali War M.1

The Divine Will is revealed unto man by communion with the Holy Naam – the Divine Word. The words Naam, Bani, Akath katha (indescribable song), Nad, Shabd, Gurmat, have been used by the Master in His discourses for the one "conscious entity" working at the back of all creation.


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