The Masters are not the monopoly of anyone, they come for everyone, not for one group of humanity or another. They give a knowledge which is beyond the senses, which is an ocean of intoxication – a mighty effulgence of bliss.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Birthday Message 1963

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, January 28, 1963


Sant Kirpal Singh
Dear Ones,

on this day of my 69th physical birthday, I convey my love to you and all best wishes for your spiritual welfare.

With the grace of my Master, I have come to reveal the life's richest treasure – the holy Naam – the Word, which is found only within you. The Master takes many steps to meet you even if you can take one step to Him. You need only to listen and to pay attention. Let your meditations flower into action and service.

I wish you to 'simplify', 'simplify', 'simplify'. To be simple in all aspects of life is to accept Life.

Try to help all others with a spirit of self denial. Your self will expand to cover all humanity and other creation. Such an enterprise will lead your soul on to God.

Be pure in thought, word, and deed and love all. Love is the panacea for all evils of life.

Be good and do good. These five words contain in them the essence of all religions of the world. My work shall be amply repaid if you live up to them.

Kirpal Singh



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