Spiritual knowledge is a regular science. Just as two and two make four, similarly everything is clean and obvious here also and there is no scope for any kind of modification or change in that.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Headquarter – North America

Since March 2019, Unity of Man also has a Center for North America at:
100 Church Ave, North York, ON M2N 4G1

Invitation to Satsang

Everyone is welcome to discover spirituality at our centres, all of which offer regular lectures on various spiritual topics, called Satsangs.
Every Sunday, Satsang is held at the Center at 10:00 a.m. EST.
Satsang online
It is also possible to attend the Satsangs online.
For details, please visit our Meetup page: meetup.com/Unity-of-Man-Satsang

Directions & Contact Info

Unity of Man
100 Church Ave,
North York, ON M2N 4G1

Phone:   +1 647-784-1653
Mail:     Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.
Meetup: meetup.com/Unity-of-Man-Satsang


Online Satsang:
If you want to listen Satsang online, please register under the following link: