What can other people know of the condition of one’s heart? If the enigma of the mystery of life enters the heart, the person knows no peace until it has been solved.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Scene iz života Sant Kirpal Singha

Sant Kirpal Singh bio je pravi primjer služenja drugim ljudima.
Njegov moto bio je "Budi dobar - čini dobro - budi jedno", što znači da čovjek nije stvoren da živi samo za sebe, nego i za druge. Njegov život stoga nije služio samo kao inspiracija njegovim učenicima, već i budućim generacijama.

Ovdje možete pronaći izbor slika koje prikazuju život i rad Sant Kirpal Singha - njegovu mladost, vrijeme kad je bio učenik Baba Sawana Singha, kao i najvažnije aktivnosti u razdoblju od 1948. do 1974., uključujući i tri velika putovanja na Zapad.


Those who do wish to awaken are told by the Masters, "Develop love for God; be conscious." We say we can see only the world; living in its society, enjoying every minute – we are too involved and become identified with it. How can we love God unless we see Him? For that we are advised to "Take the Satguru's teaching."

Sant Kirpal Singh

On 2 January, Sant Kirpal Singh returned to Delhi after completing His third world tour.
He was presented on 7 February, with the Abhinandan Patra at Vigyan Bhavan honouring Him on behalf of religious, social and political leaders of India.
The National Integration Day was celebrated at Manav Kendra on 2 April, and the hospital, home for the aged, school and farm were completed.
In the month of October, Sant Kirpal Singh's last Punjab tour started where He laid the foundation stone of the eye clinic in Nag Kalan. During the Punjab Tour, on 24 October, Sant Kirpal Singh commissioned the future Manav Kendra (Kirpal Sagar) at Nawanshar.


The mission of my life is to help others to rise above body-consciousness and have a glimpse of the Lord, with the grace of my master.

Sant Kirpal Singh

After the physical departure of his Master Baba Sawan Singh, Sant Kirpal Singh went to Rishikesh and there He lived for five months. After this time, He came to Delhi. There He started to give discourses at different places. Soon He became considered as a Saint who lived up to what He taught; the attendance to His talks was growing and the ‘Sawan Ashram’ was built in Delhi.


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