God cannot be known by the outgoing faculties, by the intellect or the vital airs called the pranas.
He can be known only by the soul: like alone can know the like. When is the soul liberated? When it is analysed from mind and the outgoing faculties.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Headquarter – Europe

Main Centre for the West - St. Gilgen/Austria

Headquarter – Europe

Steinklüftstrasse 34
A-5340 St. Gilgen

Ph: +43-6227-7577
Mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

You are welcome to spend a weekend in our headquarter at St. Gilgen/Austria, where you can get some impressions of our activities. Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Satsang is held, explaining the various aspects of spirituality. Literature can be provided to understand the true import of spirituality.

Moreover it is possible to see films about Sant Kirpal Singh or the project Kirpal Sagar. For talks and conversations we are at your disposal.


Our headquarter is located approximately 30 km from Salzburg at St. Gilgen – Austria, situated near the beautiful lake 'Wolfgangsee' amidst the mountains.
To see the location, illustrated with some pictures, click here:
Headquarters for the West – Google-maps.


The accommodation and the vegetarian meals are free of charge. Please note that the centre is a non smoking and non alcoholic area.
We would appreciate if you could send us a short message announcing your visit.












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